Software Engineer & Developer

(Engineer/Developer) Over twenty years of experience as a software engineer and developer. Considerable experience with cybersecurity, web application development, online data collection, API development, RADAR imagery analysis, data mining, data fusion methodology, advanced mathematics, algorithm development, and data visualization. Worked with and coded for autonomous vehicles, networked training simulators, real-time simulation graphics, and real-time networking. Experience coding for embedded systems, particularly serial device communication. Contributed text for proposal technical volumes,…

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Enterprise Support Engineer

(Architect/Programmer) Information Technology professional with 25 years of experience working with Oracle EBS Applications. Prefers working in challenging environments; where the skill to solve problems through new technologies or reverse engineering is fostered and encouraged. Takes pride and strives to stay conscientious of the quality of his work. Past support and implementation roles included assisting in evaluating and providing a triage of client issues as well as developing final solutions.…

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IT Manager with Technical Experience

(TECH/MGR) VERSITILE AND DETERMINED – A versatile and determined IT leader with 25 years of experience in Information Technology, TCP/IP Communication, and Certified Ethical Hacking (both offensive and blue team). Experience includes working invarious roles, from providing Help Desk support and Tier 3 POS/PMS support, to managing advanced switching andand operating a private cybersecurity company. With a growth mindset and teamwork at the core, this candidate has designed networks from the…

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Classic IT Professional

(DIR/MGR) CLASSIC IT PROFESSIONAL …who has come up through the ranks. With a career dating back to the ’90s, databases and the backend systems critical to every business sucked this candidate into IT. Having worked in manufacturing and healthcare, this professional has seen the good and bad of ERP systems, their implementations, and their execution. An adaptable, social, and critical-thinking IT leader, experience has taught this candidate to look beyond the…

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