For more information about our candidates or the services we offer, please send an email to [email protected] or call 574.234.5854 to connect with an Integritas talent specialist.

Information that helps us help you:

  • Your name, business and contact information
  • What is your search/hiring timeframe?
  • What is the title/pay range for your position?
  • Where is the position located and is it on-prem, remote or hybrid?
  • Does the position require any special knowledge, experience or certifications?
  • Do you have a job description or do you need help formulating one?
  • Is this a new position or backfill?
  • Is this search confidential?
  • Are you looking for part-time, contract or full-time candidates?

Check out our HOT CANDIDATES newsletter archives to see recent Finance/HR/Operations/Executive candidates. Check out Top Information Technology candidates here.