Classic IT Professional

(DIR/MGR) CLASSIC IT PROFESSIONAL …who has come up through the ranks. With a career dating back to the ’90s, databases and the backend systems critical to every business sucked this candidate into IT. Having worked in manufacturing and healthcare, this professional has seen the good and bad of ERP systems, their implementations, and their execution. An adaptable, social, and critical-thinking IT leader, experience has taught this candidate to look beyond the…

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Network Engineer/IT Administrator

(TECH/ADMIN) NETWORK ENGINEER/IT ADMINISTRATOR - This candidate does not get rattled! Perhaps the most upbeat IT person you will ever meet! With a BS in Network Engineering and Security and a minor in Information Technology, this young professional is on the way to bigger and better roles. Compassionate and a quick thinker, this candidate would be great in an IT Support role--or even better, leading a help desk or support…

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