Mike Niedbalski
Founder and President | [email protected] | LinkedIn
A life-long South Bend resident, Mike began recruiting and placing professionals in the local market in 1996. He has partnered with Michiana’s largest employers as well as smaller companies needing top talent to grow!
“Integrity is at the core of our mission. How we deal with our clients and candidates professionally and honestly is how we will all succeed together in the Michiana market.”
Mike is committed to working hard as a resource for Michiana residents in the accounting and human resource professions and thus intends to build Integritas Search into a top local recruiting resource.

Pete Owsianowski
Business Development Director | pete @integritassearch.com | LinkedIn
Prior to joining Integritas, Pete spent 23 years in sales, sales & service management, and marketing with 3 successful local companies: Burkhart Advertising, CBRE/Bradley, Ziker Uniforms. Pete helped all 3 companies recruit top talent, develop deep business relationships and grow revenue.
Pete loves connecting people and businesses in the greater Michiana area. He is a Past President of the Rotary Club of South Bend and is a two-time honoree of the club’s Peacock Award for outstanding recruitment of new members.

Erika Staszewski
Executive Recruiter | [email protected] | LinkedIn
Erika is a South Bend native and holds a Bachelor’s with a concentration in Business Management –Indiana University South Bend/ MBA with concentration in Human Resources and Management–Indiana Tech. During her career has held positions within advertising, automotive, orthopedic, and pharmaceutical companies. Throughout career has observed that the single most important attribute for companies to achieve success, is the quality of their executive and key management personnel. Focused on helping facilitate opportunities for both clients and candidates by providing the crucial steps needed in partnering successful companies with dynamic people.

Ben Banik
IT Recruiter | ben @integritassearch.com | LinkedIn
Prior to joining Integritas, Ben spent 25+ years in IT as a consultant, corporate trainer, programmer, systems administrator, manager and director. Ben also has a 35+ year history in the fast-paced world of broadcast television as an audio technician. In fact, if you have attended or watched a home Notre Dame football game in the past 35 years, chances are you saw Ben running up and down the home sidelines holding what can only be described as an oversized salad bowl that he points at the field for some unknown reason!
Ben brings a wealth of experience and understanding to Integritas and is our “go to” guy for clients and candidates focused on Information Technology professionals. Ben actively seeks IT/Computer Support Specialists, Network Specialists, Systems Admins/Engineers, Software/Applications Developers, IT Managers, IT Leadership (Director, AVP, VP, CIO, CTO), Systems/Infrastructure Architects, Oracle Specialists, ERP Managers/Specialists, IT Security Specialists, IT Analysts, Database Administrators, Cloud Computing Engineers and Telecomm Specialists.